Our Latest Medical Articles

Sense of Smell
Some interesting facts about your sense of smell also known as the olfactory system. Embryologically the olfactory system starts to develop as early as the third week of pregnancy when the olfactory indentations or pits are formed. So, what happens for humans and...

Smallest bones in the human body
Interesting facts about the smallest bones in the human body namely the three little bones in the middle ear. These bones are the malleus, the incus and stapes bones or hammer, anvil and stirrup bones. Their embryology is absolutely fascinating considering that they...

Otitis Externa
OTITIS EXTERNA OR INFECTION OF THE OUTER EAR CANAL, LATERAL TO THE EARDRUM Otitis externa or outer ear infection is an entity which most people are aware of because they might have had the infection themselves or a close relative has had it. It will then be evident...
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