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Penicillin Allergy

Penicillin Allergy

Millions of people across the globe mistakenly think they are allergic to Penicillin. In 1928 Alexander Fleming, a Scottish Bacteriologist, working at the St. Mary’s Hospital in London returned from a holiday to find a mould overgrowing his staphylococci  culture that...
Resonate Wellness: A Healthy New Year Resolution

Resonate Wellness: A Healthy New Year Resolution

It’s the perfect time to embrace resolutions that resonate with our well-being. This year, let’s prioritize the health of a crucial but often overlooked aspect of our body—the ears, nose, and throat. Your ENT specialist is here to guide you toward a...
Hearing the Promise of a Resonant New Year

Hearing the Promise of a Resonant New Year

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, the echoes of the past gently fade, making way for the harmonies of opportunities yet to unfold. Your journey into 2024 is a symphony waiting to be composed, and your health, especially your hearing, is a vital instrument in...
Why do some people age better?

Why do some people age better?

Two interesting articles which caught my eye recently I found very interesting. The question is often being asked, “Why do some people age better than others from a cognitive / memory and physical perspective?”  The first article (Medscape, August 2023, Cellerino et...
Is Happiness Achievable?

Is Happiness Achievable?

It is an inherent human trait to strive to achieve happiness in one’s life. From early stages of life, people have different ways to try to achieve happiness. A lot of people unfortunately are never satisfied enough with the amount of happiness they have which...